Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Kingsmill Massacre 1976

Kingsmill Inquest Evidence

Statement 21 July 2023





I have been asked by the coroner to give a statement in respect of the inquest into the deaths of John Bryans, Robert Chambers, Reginald Chapman, Walter Chapman, Robert Freeburn, Joseph Lemon, James McConville, James McWhirter, Robert Walker and Kenneth Wharton on 5 January 1976.

I, Vincent McKenna, of an address known to the coroner, will say as follows:

I became aware an inquest was taking place into the Kingsmill murders through a Newsletter post on my Twitter feed on 2 April, 2023. Shortly after reading the article, I made contact with the Coroners Service NI as I felt I had information relevant to the inquest.

When the murders at Kingsmill occurred, I would have been 12 years old. At that time, I was living in Aughnacloy, County Tyrone, and I recall during this period a lot of sectarian murders, including the murders of my cousins Marian Bowen, Marian’s unborn baby, Marians brothers Michael and Seamus McKenna by The UVF at Dungannon. Whilst in 1976 I would have been aware of the murders at Kingsmill I did not at that time have any knowledge regarding what happened.

Before the murders at Kingsmill in 1976 my cousin, Sean McKenna, had been the PIRA’s OC in Newry, however, in order to get more action (Kills), Sean McKenna joined a PIRA Unit in south Armagh that acted under the direct orders of the south Armagh Brigade of The PIRA, who in turn acted under the direct orders of PIRA Northern Command. Sean McKenna was arrested in March 1976 after he had been kidnapped by the SAS from a safe house in Dundalk. Sean after his arrest was imprisoned at Long Kesh and was on the first hunger strike in 1980.

In 1990 Sean McKenna had been released from prison and came to live in Monaghan Town. I had been living in Monaghan Town since 1980. Despite being eight years older than me I had always been close to Sean. His family had moved to Newry in 1958 and my father regularly took me to visit Sean’s family at O’Neil Avenue in Newry, Sean makes reference to these visits in the three-tapes that I have provided to the coroner.

When Sean came to live in Monaghan Town, he had been diagnosed with throat cancer. Due to his imprisonment and the effects of his hunger strike he was in poor health. I did what I could to help him and was able to get him a flat on The Hospital Hill, in Monaghan Town. At that time, I was the foreman of the night-shift at Clonkeen Mushrooms and was able to get Sean a job with me on the night shift. It meant I could keep an eye on him, as at times, due to his health, he struggled with the work.

After Sean had settled in Monaghan Town, he had begun to record his life story. I encouraged and helped him to do so. I recall us sitting together and Sean talking about his life in the PIRA whilst I recorded it onto cassette tapes and took notes. In total I believe there were 5 tapes recorded by Sean. I promised Sean I would not publish his life story until after his death. After a long battle Sean finally succumbed to cancer in 2008 and I published his story on my website in 2013 to mark the Hunger-strike Commemoration in Monaghan Town that year.

In 2013, I was back inside Sinn Fein/PIRA in Dublin and helping to develop their IT Systems as I had just graduated with an MSc (First Class) in Computing. I was in 2013, working closely with Bobby Storey. Bobby Storey whom I had known for many years, was satisfied that I had only campaigned publicly against Sinn Fein/PIRA, 1998-2000, because I had worked for so many years on the peace process and I was angry about continued violence.

In these tapes and in the hundreds of hours of conversation that Sean McKenna and I had, Sean McKenna told how the order to carry out the murders at Kingsmill came directly to him from PIRA Northern Command. In 1976 PIRA Northern Command would have included Gerry Adams, Martin McGuinness and my cousin, Kevin McKenna (Chief of Staff 1983-1997 – replaced in 1997 by Thomas ‘Slab’ Murphy – replaced by Brian Keenan).

The decision had been made to carry out the murders in Kingsmill after a number of sectarian murders in 1975 by both The Provisional IRA and The UVF. The PIRA Northern Command believed killing the 10 Protestants on their way home from work would bring matters to a head and push Northern Ireland to the brink of civil war. This would push the British government to commit to a time frame for a complete disengagement from Northern Ireland. This disengagement had been previously discussed during talks between the British Government and the PIRA leadership in 1975.

This reasoning for and potential consequences of, the Kingsmill attack, was also stated by Michael McKevitt and Colm Murphy when Sean McKenna and I, meet with them in Dundalk, in a social setting in 1992. I am also aware that Colm Murphy, gave an interview to The Irish News in 2016 in which he explained again, what he had explained to me in 1992 about the Plan to Ethically Cleanse south Armagh. The same Colm Murphy, whom with others, had sanctioned my murder in 1998, when I was on the front page of The Sunday Times, explaining the campaign of Ethnic Cleansing as set out by Colm Murphy in 1992.

Though the command for Kingsmill had come direct from the PIRA Northern Command the murders would be claimed by the South Armagh Republican Action Force, according to Sean McKenna, South Armagh Republican Action Force was used as a proxy to allow the PIRA Leadership to deny responsibility for these sectarian killings. Sinn Fein/Provisional IRA funding from The USA in particular was dependent on the conflict in Northern Ireland being presented as non-sectarian or the flow of money and weapons would run dry.

The PIRA Leadership were also in talks with the British, and The PIRA Leadership needed to be able to deny responsibility for murderous actions that they were directing. Similar to The PIRA Leadership arming The Real IRA in 1998 to use as proxies, while presenting themselves as ‘peace-makers’. I know the latter, as my cousin Seamus McKenna (Omagh Bomber) (Sean McKenna’s brother) told me so in 1998 and I went public.

Sean McKenna to ensure that before and after at Kingsmill no one talked about their part in the murders, he used experienced and reliable gunmen. Sean said he was personally involved along with Peter Cleary, Raymond McCreesh, Colm Murphy and Michael McKevitt. The vehicles used in Kingsmill were driven by Coburn and Cullen.

I have provided three tapes of recordings of my cousin, Sean McKenna, as I helped him to tell his life story. I have been told the only reference in the three tapes to the incident at Kingsmill is the following:

“So…things went on…Christmas past and the sectarian trouble started in South Armagh. And I think it was February the ten Protestants were shot in Whitecross. Now looking back on it…At that time, I thought it was the right thing to do. I’m not saying I had anything to do with it, I hadn’t. Thank God. But...I agreed with it, I thought it was the right thing to do. Because…I suppose we believed if we could bring the thing to a head once and for all. And alright…there was going to be a lot of people die but it was going to sort it out one way or the other. But anyway…that was done I think in February, the ten Protestants were shot”.

As I have not heard the three-tapes for 10-years and I have not heard the original 5-tapes that I gave to Mo Mowlam and later the RUC, for 25-years, I am taking it on face value that this is what Sean McKenna has said on the three-tapes about Kingsmill.

I find it difficult, to explain to people outside of Sinn Fein/Provisional IRA how the Sinn Fein/PIRA psyche works. I have since 1969 (a 6-year-old child) been associated with Sinn Fein/PIRA, initially in my Uncle Sean’s kitchen in Newry when Sean was founding Sinn Fein/PIRA after the split with Official IRA. Being part of the community in Tyrone that had family murdered by The PIRA and UVF. Infiltrating (16-years-old) Sinn Fein/PIRA in Monaghan Town in 1980 (as a Garda Agent) and so forth.

I have never taken money or sought favour for my work, I am simply motivated by the murder of my Uncle Cyril McCaul by The PIRA in November, 1973, an innocent civilian, whose de-capitated body I seen in the morgue in Dungannon Hospital when I was 9-years-old.

I have explained that Sean McKenna was being ‘coy’ in his initial utterances about his role in Kingsmill, Sean McKenna did not, for very obvious reasons want to go back to jail, and certainly not for his role in Kingsmill.

“At that time, I thought it was the right thing to do. I’m not saying I had anything to do with it, I hadn’t. Thank God”.

Sean McKenna placed this phrase in the tape, so that if the tapes ended up in the hands of the authorities (Ivor Bell was charged in recent times, because of what he said on tapes, that were not to become public until after his death), he could deny any role in Kingsmill. Sean McKenna was a seasoned player, and this is clear from the three tapes provided, he knew how to limit disclosure in order to minimise the risks to himself.

For example, when arrested (17-years-old) with his father on the morning of internment, he eventually makes limited disclosures in order to be taken out of RUC Special Branch custody, but Sean does not disclose the whereabouts of the ten rifles he had hidden that morning, after a plan of mass murder failed to materialise.

Again, when arrested in 1976, Sean makes limited disclosures in order to be taken out of RUC Special Branch custody in Gough Barracks and remanded to Crumlin Road Jail.

Sean McKenna says, “I thought it was the right thing to do”, he does not say, “I thought they done the right thing”, I am satisfied that this is an admission of guilt, and this admission of guilt was supported in the hundreds of hours I spent debriefing Sean McKenna.

Sean McKenna says, “I suppose we believed if we could bring the thing to a head once and for all”, in this passage, Sean McKenna clearly places himself within both the strategic and tactical decision-making processes relating to Kingsmill. Sean McKenna, by his own admission was operating with Peter Cleary, whom the Provisional IRA have publicly stated was a staff officer on the south Armagh Brigade of The Provisional IRA, there was and is no higher decision-making body in south Armagh.

Sean McKenna continues, “And alright…there was going to be a lot of people die but it was going to sort it out one way or the other”. Again, Sean McKenna places himself at the strategic and tactical decision-making process, because he is speaking with prior knowledge,there was going to be a lot of people die”, of the events that were to unfold at Kingsmill

I spent hundreds of hours ‘debriefing’ Sean McKenna while he and I worked and socialised together while he was living in Monaghan Town. My job as a State Agent, from 1980, was to extract information from terrorists. My ability to memorise both the spoken and written word was one of my key assets.

My encouragement to Sean McKenna to tell his life story, was simply an opening gambit for me to extract further and more detailed information, exactly as I done, and continue to do, with many others.

Debriefing Sean McKenna, 1990-92, was only a small part of my intelligence work, my key focus was Michael ‘Pete’ Ryan and his Unit who were an active threat to life. When that threat was extinguished in June, 1991, I was able to focus more on Sean McKenna and historical crimes committed.

During my time with Sean McKenna, An Garda Siochana, wanted information about certain terrorist attacks in the Irish Republic that Sean may have had information about, although not necessarily involved in. Gardai did not show any particular interest in Kingsmill, mainly because it was planned and operationalised outside the state.

An Garda Siochana were particularly interested in the murder of Garda Michael Clerkin from Monaghan Town, by the Provisional IRA. Although Sean McKenna was in prison at the time of Garda Michael Clerkin’s murder, Gardai believed that because of Sean McKenna’s senior rank both inside and outside prison Sean may have the names of those who murdered Garda Clerkin. An Garda Siochana were also interested in the murder of Senator Billy Fox, who had been murdered by The Provisional IRA.

My initial Garda contact in Monaghan Town, Garda Detective, Christy McNamee, who was retired in 1990, and working as a private detective, was interested in establishing any facts about the murder of Garda Gary Sheehan by the PIRA in December, 1983, as Garda Gary Sheehan was the son of Detective McNamee’s former colleague, Garda Sheehan, in Clontibret, Monaghan.

Garda Detective, Christy McNamee, was the Garda Officer, who rescued me (11-years-old) in June 1975, when rioting erupted in Clara graveyard, in north Monaghan, as my Uncle Sean McKenna (Hooded-man) was being buried and my cousin Sean McKenna (Hunger-striker) was preparing to fire a volley of shots over his father’s coffin, with his father’s personal pearl-handled revolver. In April 1980, as I prepared to leave school in June 1980, I cycled to Monaghan Town to seek out the Garda who had rescued me in 1975. I was introduced to Garda Detective Christy McNamee by Garda Sean Casey. I volunteered for and was recruited as a State Agent to infiltrate Sinn Fein/PIRA.

For my part, I wanted to know if Sean McKenna made any correlation between his actions at Tullyvallen Orange Hall in 1975 (Sean McKenna made the bomb for Tullyvallen) and Kingsmill in 1976, and the murders of our cousins Marian Bowen, Marian’s unborn baby, Marian’s brother’s Michael and Seamus McKenna by the Glenanne Gang/UVF at Dungannon in 1975, by means of a booby-trap bomb.

I am satisfied that Sean McKenna told me that he was one of the shooters at Kingsmill, I would not say that, if Sean did not say it, and Sean would not have admitted it, if it were not true, it was no badge of honour for anyone claiming to be ‘republican’.  

I eventually encouraged Sean McKenna to detail his role and the role of others at Kingsmill, with the promise that I would not publish his story until after his death, he believed in 1992 that he would die from cancer of the throat, Sean then moved to County Kerry. Sean McKenna said that The Kingsmill attack had been sanctioned in December, 1975, however, it took time to get the logistics in place. Sean McKenna, Michael McKevitt and Colm Murphy supplied the weapons.

Thomas ‘Slab’ Murphy and his brother Patrick Murphy (PIRA Finance), raised concerns about the impact the attack on Kingsmill could have on fund-raising (Smuggling – Sinn Fein/PIRA and a small number of Protestant smugglers were inter-dependent on each other’s discretion) but in the end Tom and Patrick did not dissent.

While the Reavey and O’Dowd murders made it easier to ‘Justify’ Kingsmill, the attack on Kingsmill was going to take place anyway, it was pure coincidence that it happened in such close proximity to the Reavey and O’Dowd murders.

By Sean McKenna’s own admission on the tapes, by March, 1976, when it became clear to the good people of south Armagh, that The Provisional IRA had sanctioned and carried out The Kingsmill murders, traditionally safe-houses for PIRA members in south Armagh, shut their doors in the faces of PIRA members.

I am satisfied that the quotes from the Sean McKenna tapes as set-out above, are admissions by Sean McKenna of his role in the strategic and tactical planning of the operation at Kingsmill and the logic and thinking behind such an attack and its anticipated outcome. I am satisfied that the quotes from the tapes provided, my own debriefing of Sean McKenna and Sean McKenna’s admissions to me, identify Sean McKenna as one of the planners, organisers and shooters at Kingsmill. I am not sure what the missing tapes contain, but I am certain, that in them, Sean McKenna admits to murders, for which he was not convicted.

In July, 2023, as I was going through some old files, I found some notes on the back of an old contract from 1990 (copy given to coroner’s office), in which Sean McKenna stated that the shot-gun he had at Kingsmill, is the same shot-gun that he had in his possession when taken into custody by The SAS in March, 1976. Perhaps with new developments in technology this could be tested. In the tapes Sean McKenna says, “I had the shot-gun” he does not say, “I had a shot-gun”.

Those notes also show that Sean McKenna admitted emptying a sub-machine gun into a woman in south Armagh when she refused to hand over her car at a PIRA Check-point and she died at the scene. The latter is also disclosed on one of the original 5-tapes.

Sean McKenna also stated that Gerry Adams wrote both the Press Release relating to Kingsmill and the claim of responsibility for the Kingsmill attack by South Armagh Republican Action Force, however, both the Press Release and the claim of responsibility were delivered by Brian Keenan, I did not establish exactly what the latter meant. For example, did Brian Keenan deliver the text for the claim of responsibility to Sean McKenna or did Brian phone it through himself.

Sean McKenna said that both south Armagh Brigade of The Provisional IRA and Northern Command of the PIRA supported by Seamus Twomey (PIRA Chief of Staff, replaced by Gerry Adams as Chief of Staff in 1977) and others had sanctioned the Kingsmill murders, just as they had sanctioned the killings of three British soldiers in the weeks before Kingsmill, killings in which some of the Kingsmill murderers were involved, including Raymond McCreesh, Peter Cleary and Sean McKenna and any suggestion that attacks in south Armagh were not being sanctioned by The Provisional IRA Army Council during this period was nonsense.

While Gerry Adams has consistently denied being a member of The Provisional IRA, I can say with 100% certainty that Gerry Adams was a member of The Provisional IRA.

On the 13 July, 1983, PIRA Army Council member, Joe Cahill, told me, in general conversation, at Sinn Fein HQ, 44 Parnell Square, Dublin, that he (Joe) had sworn Gerry Adams into The PIRA. When I left 44 Parnell Square, 13 July, 1983, I was followed by Garda Special Branch, arrested at a PIRA safe-house and held under Section 30 Offences Against the State Act at the Bridewell Garda Station. In 1984, I meet Gerry Adams in his role as a senior member of The PIRA at 21 Dublin Street, Monaghan Town. I have spoken to senior PIRA members such as Jock Davidson and Joseph ‘Joe’ Haughey who took their orders directly from Gerry Adams.

Sean McKenna claimed that he had been chosen for the first Hunger-strike in 1980 by Brendan Hughes (Gerry Adams right-hand man) and Raymond McCreesh had been chosen for the second hunger-strike in 1981 due to their service in south Armagh during the 1975-76 period in particular. They would not have been chosen for such a prestigious appointment (Republican Martyrdom) if they had acted outside of the chain of command at any time, remembering that each Hunger-striker had to be rubber-stamped by Northern Command and in particular The Belfast Leadership.

I was on the inside of these conversations in Monaghan Town in 1980, with Kevin McKenna, JB O’Hagan, Bernadette McAliskey and so forth. I was again on the inside of these conversations in Monaghan Town in 1981 before the second hunger-strike, and when in The Swan Lake Hotel, we voted to run Bobby Sands, Kieran Doherty and so forth as H-Block candidates, in up coming elections, rather than Sinn Fein candidates as we believed only small numbers would vote for Sinn Fein candidates at that time.

On the 30 June, 1999, I travelled to the House of Commons to attend Northern Ireland Question Time, in the Distinguished Strangers Gallery, by invitation from a cross party group of MPs, I have provided the coroner’s office with a copy of the official invitation.

Mo Mowlam was Secretary of State for Northern Ireland and she spoke during Northern Ireland Question Time, 30 June, 1999, it was Mowlam who had sought the issue of a special invitation to me, as we knew each other in Northern Ireland.

Following Northern Ireland Question Time, I was brought to an office/room (had leather couches – more like a sitting room) where Mo Mowlam met with me. I had asked to speak with Mo Mowlam and someone associated with Harry Barnes MP had organised the meeting.

At this meeting, 30 June, 1999, which only lasted about five-minutes, as Mo was running off to an official meeting, I asked Mo Mowlam not to issue Comfort Letters to PIRA Terrorists. In order to support my position, I gave Mo Mowlam a copy of the five-4-track Sean McKenna tapes, to demonstrate to Mowlam that closure could yet be brought to many terrorist victims, once we had the correct process in place. I believe that I mentioned the Truth and Reconciliation Commission that had been established in south Africa.

It was not unusual for ‘fixers’ to arrange meetings for me at Westminster. On the 27 January, 1999, a ‘fixer’ associated with Harry Barnes MP, arranged for Sean O’Callaghan (MI5/Garda Special Branch, Agent) to meet with me for lunch in Westminster. Also at the lunch table were Harry Barnes MP, Gary Kent (Fixer) and Ruth Dudley Edwards (Journalist).

This lunch meeting, 27 January, 1999, with Sean O’Callaghan and I, ended abruptly, when Sean O’Callaghan received a friendly phone call from Martin McGuinness (alleged MI6 Agent) to advise Sean O’Callaghan that Eamon Collins (RUC Super-grass – retracted his evidence – was allowed to return to Barcroft Park Newry by PIRA Leadership including Gerry Adams) had just been murdered in Newry by The PIRA, as Eamon had given evidence against Thomas ‘Slab’ Murphy in The Sunday Times libel trial in Dublin. Sean O’Callaghan and I, were also witnesses in this trial.

Fixers had also arranged meetings for me at Westminster on various dates with Lord Cranbourne, William Hague, Newspaper Editors and so forth. These meetings all relating to my work in Northern Ireland and my specific knowledge both practical and academic (A Fairly Secret Army, 1996) of terrorist groups.

Following my return from London 30 June, 1999

During my time with Families Against Intimidation and Terror (FAIT) I had established a working relationship with Michael Wright, an RUC Special Branch officer. I felt I could place trust in him as he had family connections with Aughnacloy where I had grown up. In 1999 just off the Ormeau Road I meet Michael Wright and another RUC Special Branch Officer and gave him copies of the 5 tapes I had recorded with Sean McKenna, and given to Mo Mowlam 30 June, 1999.

I would conclude by saying that in 1999, when I gave RUC Special Branch Officer, Michael Wright the 5-tapes relating to Sean McKenna, our priority concern in 1999 was active terrorist threats, not Historical Inquiries. Our work prevented numerous terrorist attacks, notably, the interception of the 500lb bomb destined for the residence of The Secretary of State, Peter Mandelson. The prevention of the murders of senior Sinn Fein/PIRA personnel and the prevention of no warning bomb attacks in The Irish Republic.

Statement of Truth

I believe that the facts stated in this statement are true.



Dated: 21 July 2023

Person Taking Statement ………………………Graham Reilly


This article is written and based on information that I received from Sean McKenna who had first-hand knowledge of The Kingsmill Massacre. The events of The Kingsmill Massacre have been well covered in a number of books and so forth, I have not read any such books and all information presented here comes purely from information provided by Sean McKenna.

According to Sean McKenna the claim of responsibility for Kingsmill and The PIRA Press Release denying PIRA involvement in the Kingsmill Massacre were both written by Gerry Adams and delivered by Brian Keenan. Discourse Analysis of both statements identify one-hand, writing both the claim of responsibility and press release containing PIRA denial. The PIRA Press release of denial was issued from Belfast.

South Armagh Republican Action Force, January, 1976, “Kingsmill was retaliation for the Reavey–O'Dowd killings the night before Kingsmill and there will be no further action on our part if loyalists stop their attacks. We have no connection with the PIRA”.

The Provisional IRA Leadership in Belfast stated, January, 1976:

“The Irish Republican Army ‘has never initiated sectarian killings’, and sectarianism of any kind is abhorrent to the Republican Movement. If the loyalist elements responsible for over 300 sectarian assassinations in the past four years stop such killing now, then the question of retaliation from whatever source will not arise”.

Sean McKenna was on the first Sinn Fein/PIRA Hunger Strike in The Maze/Long Kesh in 1980 and his autobiography can be found exclusively at this link.

“Christmas passed and the sectarian trouble started in south Armagh, 10 Protestants were shot dead on their way home from work, I agreed with it, to bring the thing to a head, it would sort it out, in January 1976 the 10 Protestants were shot dead, in March I had nowhere to stay so I went back to my Father’s house in Edentubber, County Louth. The man who owned the house (Watters) had been killed with three others when the bomb they were preparing went off accidentally, so the people in the area seen me and my Father carrying the line on for the IRA. My Father had died in the house in Edentubber in 1975 as a result of the torture he had been subjected to by the British”. Sean McKenna.

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Comfort Letters

Some of those involved in sanctioning The Kingsmill Massacre are now dead as are some of those directly involved, this is the case both at local Command and PIRA Army Council levels. Some of those who would later go On-the-Run (OTR) for Kingsmill and other atrocities were given Comfort Letters. In the aftermath of The Omagh Bomb, Michael McKevitt and others involved in The Omagh Bomb were offered the opportunity to walk away from prosecution if they would disband and decommission.

The South Armagh Republican Action Force

The Kingsmill Massacre was claimed by The South Armagh Republican Action Force, however, this was, according to Sean McKenna, a proxy name used by The PIRA, as such out and out sectarian murder as Kingsmill, was not in keeping with The Sinn Fein/PIRA claim that the conflict in the north was a war between British Military and The PIRA, and not sectarian.

Sinn Fein/PIRA would/and continue to use many proxy groups and cover names for actions and atrocities that they did not want to claim for political reasons, Direct Action Against Drugs, Concerned Residents and so forth. Irish American support always weaned when purely sectarian atrocities occurred. The purely sectarian Enniskillen Bombin 1987 cost Sinn Fein/PIRA their supply line from Libya.

In 1997-98 the Sinn Fein/PIRA leadership allowed Michael McKevitt and others to take Semtex, weapons, ammunition and personnel without sanction in order to create The Real IRA. The Sinn Fein/PIRA Leadership said; 

“The odd bomb going off here and there will keep Unionists focused on working with the Doves”, Kevin McKenna, PIRA Chief of Staff (1983-97). 

Using The Real IRA as a proxy back-fired with the Omagh Bomb in August 1998.

It will come as no surprise that some of those directly involved in The Kingsmill Massacre in 1976, were also involved in The Omagh Bomb, Colm Murphy and Michael McKevitt. Had it not been for the acquiescence of The Sinn Fein/PIRA leadership including Kevin McKenna, Thomas ‘Slab’ Murphy, Martin McGuinness and so forth, it is unlikely The Omagh Bomb would have occurred.

Kingsmill Massacre

The Kingsmill Massacre was a mass sectarian shooting of Protestants that took place on 5th January, 1976, near the village of Whitecross in south County Armagh, Northern Ireland. 10 Protestants were lined up and murdered in cold blood, an 11th Protestant, Alan Black, survived, but was maimed for life. The only Roman Catholic on board escaped with his life after the killers told him to flee, having established that he was Catholic.

According to Sean McKenna the operation had been sanctioned at local Command level in December 1975 and quickly sanctioned by The Sinn Fein/PIRA leadership without defection. The Massacre had been sanctioned by the Leadership of Sinn Fein/PIRA at that time including Gerry Adams, Martin McGuinness, Thomas ‘Slab’ Murphy, Brian Keenan, Seamus Twomey, Ruairí Ó Brádaigh and so forth.

Sean McKenna was closely associated with Seamus Twomey and Ruairí Ó Brádaigh, with Ruairí Ó Brádaigh having delivered the oration at Sean’s Father’s funeral in Clara, north County Monaghan in June, 1975. Sean McKenna Snr was one of the Ten-Hooded men who was tortured during Internment.

Kingsmill Massacre PIRA involved

Sean McKenna said that he was personally involved in the Kingsmill Massacre and he supported the Massacre without reservation. Sean McKenna said that he was personally aware of a large number of PIRA members being involved in The Kingsmill operation. Sean McKenna named the Sinn Fein/PIRA leadership supporting the operation and set out above.

Sean McKenna (whose brother Seamus McKenna drove the bomb into Omagh 1998) named operational members as Peter Cleary (later shot dead by SAS), Raymond McCreesh (died on Hunger Strike), Colm Murphy (later accused of Omagh Bomb), Michael McKevitt (later accused of Omagh Bomb). 

The van used to transport The PIRA members and weapons was driven by Coburn and the Ford Cortina was driven by Cullen. The weapons included four Armalites, a 9mm sub machine-gun, a shotgun, two rifles, a semi-automatic rifle, a carbine and a 357-magnum revolver, all used in dozens of PIRA operations and two of the weapons would also be used to kill two senior RUC officers outside Dundalk in 1989.

Omagh Bomb Public Inquiry 2025

  Omagh Bomb Public Inquiry 2025 Submission To Omagh Bomb Public Inquiry 2025 From Vincent McKenna BSSc PGDipSSc MSc Certified  Digital Mark...