Saturday, August 20, 2022

Coagh Inquest 2022, Michael Pete Ryan, Laurence McNally, Tony Doris

Coagh Inquest 2022

Coagh Inquest Vincent McKenna

Moral Law and the Suppression of Truth

30 June, 2023, I, VincentMcKenna, attended Lagan-side Courts in Belfast, to give evidence, at the coroner’s invitation, to the Inquest into the shootings of Michael ‘Pete’ Ryan, Laurence McNally and Antony Doris at Coagh in County Tyrone on June 3, 1991.

Courtroom 16 was the location for what was billed as the final day of the Coagh Inquest. I arrived early, as I always do for any appointment. I was surprised to the find that as the 10am appointment approached, the Courtroom, the Witness room and the Consultation room were all securely locked.

A row of dozens of chairs in the corridor outside Courtroom 16 lay empty. Eventually, two old men appeared and took their place on two of the chairs in the corridor. All three of us sitting in the corridor when we were advised by an usher that the Court would open at 10.30am and not the appointed 10am.

As officials began to arrive at Courtroom 16, a female official approached me and asked if I was Vincent McKenna. I confirmed my name, and this alerted the two old men as to my identity. One of the old men made his way towards me and told me that I knew who he was, I said I don’t, who are you. He returned to his seat. 

I think the intention was that I, 6ft, 15 stone, able bodied, was to be intimidated by an aging dwarf.

I was then advised by a Court official that I would be called to give evidence once an RUC officer had concluded his evidence. As I waited to be called, the two old men entered the Court room, and I remained alone in the corridor outside Courtroom 16.

As I stood there in the corridor, looking out beyond at the Harland and Wolff shipyard, I thought, how sad, that Pete, Laurence and Tony had been abandoned in death, just as they had been abandoned in life, by the Sinn Fein/PIRA Leadership. As two old men clutched at some hope of establishing the facts relating to the death of Tony Doris, many Sinn Fein/PIRA were holidaying in the sweltering heat of foreign lands.

Provisional IRA Monaghan Town - Who were they?

Eventually, I was called to give my evidence. My evidence was not challenged in any meaningful way by Karen Quinlivan, KC who represented the family of Antony Doris, rather Karen, who was rented for the day, by Ó Muirigh Solicitors set about a process of character assassination.

However, I remained unshaken by Karen Quinlivan, KC, who tried to suggest that Antony Doris was by some dark-magic transported into the murder machine in which he died in a hail of SAS bullets. In fact, Antony Doris was a serial killer, recruited into the Provisional IRA by his Uncle Brendan Doris, Michelle O’Neil’s father.

Karen Quinlivan, KC suggested that I was giving evidence because I was an ‘attention seeker’, however, I said I would rather be on the moon than giving evidence in Belfast, however, it was time for the Truth to be told, no matter how many try to suppress that, Truth.

It is this ‘Moral Law’ that is breaking the back of Northern Ireland, so many seek the Truth, yet that Truth is being subjected to a ‘punishment beating’ each time it departs from the well-rehearsed script of the terrorists and their suited mouth-pieces.

Vincent McKenna, Laurence McNally and Jim Lynagh, 1981.

After I had stepped down from the witness box and left Courtroom 16, I later learned by way of The Echo Times on-line, that Laurence McNally’s wife, Dympna, gave evidence and stated that Laurence McNally had never mentioned my name to her and she only knew of me from reports in the media.

1987, Provisional IRA members, Vincent McKenna, Laurence McNally and Laurence McKenna, confronted Garda Special Branch Officer, Joe Derwin, when Joe opened fire on mourners in Emyvale as Jim Lynagh's body was being returned to Monaghan Town.

1985, Christmas Card from PIRA Commander, Jim Lynagh (Portlaoise Prison) to Vincent McKenna.

In fairness, it would be no surprise that Laurence McNally had kept secrets from his wife, Dympna, I am sure he did not mention that he had murdered innocent men, women and children and that he often had sex with under-age girls at Sinn Fein/PIRA's infamous house-parties in Monaghan Town.

Dympna also told the Inquest, that my assertion that she drove Laurence and Pete to meet with Tony Doris was “Bullshit”, however, if that assertion was “Bullshit” it was Caoimhghín Ó Caoláin’s “Bullshit” and not mine.

On the day Laurence, Pete and Tony were shot dead, Caoimhghín Ó Caoláin asked me in the Sinn Fein Office, at 21 Dublin Street, Monaghan Town, if I could get my wife and/or other women to go out to Laurence McNally’s wife as she was in a bad way, as she had driven Laurence and Pete to meet with Tony Doris. In effect she had driven her husband to his death.

I first met Laurence McNally in Monaghan in 1980, I was a member of Na Fianna Eireann (Jnr PIRA). Laurence McNally, was, by 1980, a renowned serial killer. In 1981 when Charles Haughey TD visited Monaghan Town, Laurence McNally, Jim Lynagh and I protested against his visit, which resulted in a fist-fight with An Garda Siochana.

On the night that Kieran Doherty TD died on Hunger-strike, Laurence McNally, John ‘Dinger’ Bell and I, were again, in fist fights with Gardai, which ended at Tully, when Laurence and Dinger, filled and threw petrol bombs at a Garda patrol car. On another occasion Laurence, Dinger and I, shared a cell in Monaghan Garda station.

In 1987, when our commanding officer, Jim Lynagh was killed at Loughgall, Laurence McNally, Laurence McKenna and I engaged in fist-fights with Gardai in Emyvale. When Jim was killed, I initially worked with another member of Monaghan/East Tyrone PIRA in my Intelligence capacity, however, in late 1988, Kevin McKenna told me to work under Michael ‘Pete’ Ryan.

It was following the murders at the Dallas Garage in Coagh, 1989, that Antony ‘Tony’ Doris attended an after kill party in Monaghan Town, this was the norm.

My work with Michael ‘Pete’ Ryan was interrupted by Kevin McKenna when he sent me to London on active service in 1989, when I returned from London in 1990, I was ordered by Kevin McKenna to continue working with Michael ‘Pete’ Ryan.




WITNESS STATEMENT OF VINCENT MCKENNA given under Oath 30 June, 2023.

I have been asked by the coroner to give a statement in respect of the inquest into the deaths of Anthony Doris, Michael Ryan and Laurence McNally on 3rd June 1991.

I, Vincent McKenna, of an address known to the coroner, will say as follows:

In June 1991 I would have been a member of the Provisional IRA and Sinn Fein in Monaghan Town. Anthony Doris, Michael ‘Pete’ Ryan and Laurence McNally were at that time members of a Provisional IRA active service unit operating from Monaghan Town.

I am originally from Aughnacloy and in 1980 when I was 16 I moved to live in Monaghan Town. Several members of my extended family were members of the IRA and my cousin, Kevin McKenna, was the IRA’s Chief of Staff. When we moved to Monaghan Town, I became a member of the IRA and Sinn Fein. I was sworn in by my cousin, Kevin. I believe due to my family connections; I was never operational and my role was to gather intelligence for the IRA.

I would have known all three of the deceased. I would have been very friendly with Laurence McNally. We would have trained and completed marathons together. I first met Pete Ryan in 1981 in a pub in Monaghan shortly after he had escaped from Crumlin Road jail. After escaping from jail, he became part of the ASU in Monaghan and he became the CO of the unit after the death of Jim Lynagh in 1987. I knew off Tony Doris who was from around Omagh and had been recruited by Brendan Doris. Whilst I had been in his company, he was the one I knew the least.

Pete Ryan, Laurence McNally and Tony Doris were all members of the ASU based in Monaghan. The ASU from Monaghan operated like the flying columns of the 1920’s striking a target and then disappearing back into the local area. All three men were active members of the ASU taking part in numerous attacks. I would describe them as being psychopaths as they seemed to have no conscience about killing. In my experience of the IRA this was common place as I had seen men I would regard as conservative Catholics give orders to take life without a second thought.

During the time I was a member of the IRA I provided information to the Garda Special Branch based in Monaghan. My experiences in the IRA made me want to help to stop their campaign and for this reason I provided information.

In the mid 1980’s Jim Lynagh would have been the commanding officer for the Monaghan ASU. I would describe him as an intelligent and driven commander. The ASU in Monaghan Town would have been militant and hard-line with no interest in the peace process. Around this time Lynagh took direct control for the strategic command of his unit moving away from the direction of older leaders in the area like Brendan McKenna and JB O’Hagan. Lynagh’s unit during the 1980’s was responsible for many murders and attacks on the security forces and civilians.

After Jim Lynagh’s death in Loughgall the ASU in Monaghan became very paranoid about security. At that time, I was the foreman at Clonkeen Mushrooms based at the crossing at Middleton on the Monaghan/Armagh border. Laurence McNally and several other IRA men lived near to the mushroom farm. Since I was the foreman, I was able to secure the farm and IRA members could access the farm unseen by foot so it became a regular location for meetings.

In my intelligence role I would have been involved in these meetings. Whilst I was not aware of the details of the operation in Coagh, I knew at that time an operation was to take place. I was aware that Laurence McNally’s wife was to drive Laurence McNally and Pete Ryan to meet Tony Doris as part of the operation. I am 100% positive this happened. After Loughgall people were reluctant to put themselves forward for operations and this is why McNally’s wife had to drive them to meet Tony Doris. That is all I can recall of the details of the operation in Coagh.

Statement of Truth

I believe that the facts stated in this statement are true.

Signed: Vincent McKenna

Dated……2nd October 2022

From: Vincent McKenna BSSc PGDipSSc MSc


Coroner, Mr Justice Humpreys

19 August 2022

Ref: Shooting of Michael ‘Pete’ Ryan, Laurence McNally and Tony Doris 1991

Up Date

Today 30/6/2023, as I was giving evidence at the Coagh Inquest, I explained that I was a Provisional IRA Intelligence Officer and not a gunman or bomber, however, I did not at any time try to mitigate my roll in The Provisional IRA.

Coagh Inquest Cross Examination

Vincent McKenna statement was Read into the Record by Council for the Inquest into the Shooting of Michael ‘Pete’ Ryan, Laurence McNally and Antony Doris 1991.

The Coroner then invited Council for Antony Doris’s family, Karen Quinlivan, KC, to ask questions of the witness, Vincent McKenna.

Karen Quinlivan, KC: Mr McKenna, can you confirm that in November, 2000, you were convicted of sexualassault?

Vincent McKenna: That is correct and that case is presently back before The Court of Criminal Appeal.

Karen Quinlivan, KC: Is it correct that in that trial for sexual assault you gave evidence on your own behalf?

Vincent McKenna: That is correct.

Karen Quinlivan, KC: Is it therefore fair to say that you are prepared to lie under Oath?

Vincent McKenna: No, I would never lie under Oath.

Karen Quinlivan, KC: I put it to you that you lied at your trial in 2000 and you are prepared to lie here again today.

Vincent McKenna: I did not lie at my trial in 2000, and I will not lie here today.

Karen Quinlivan, KC: You say you were a Provisional IRA Intelligence Officer for 11-years, is that correct?

Vincent McKenna: Yes, I was a Provisional IRA Intelligence Officer but for longer than that.

Karen Quinlivan, KC: So, you are unique among all Provisional IRA members in that you never shoot or bombed anyone?

Vincent McKenna: I was a Provisional IRA Intelligence Officer, my job was to gather and corelate intelligence. Gerry Adams has been in The Provisional IRA for 50-years and apparently, he did not shoot or bomb anyone either.

Karen Quinlivan, KC: Therefore, in that role you had information about people engaging in shootings and bombings?

Vincent McKenna: Yes, that is correct.

Karen Quinlivan, KC: And having all of that information about crime, have you ever made statements to the RUC/PSNI or An Garda Siochana in relation to your knowledge of those crimes?

Vincent McKenna: Yes.

Karen Quinlivan, KC: And what has become of those investigations?

Vincent McKenna: I don’t know, I provide Intelligence, I don’t investigate.

Karen Quinlivan, KC: I put it to you Mr McKenna that nothing has come of the information you provided because you are a proven liar based on your conviction in 2000.

Karen Quinlivan, KC: I further put it to you, that you are giving evidence here today because you are an attention seeker.

Vincent McKenna: Total nonsense, I would, rather be on the moon than giving evidence in Belfast, however, it is time for the Truth to be told, no matter how many try to suppress that, Truth.

Dear Sir

On Friday, 19 August 2022, a post on my twitter account linked to an article on The Belfast Telegraph by Allan Preston,

In this article it stated that the Coroner, Mr Justice Humpreys, had asked anyone with information relating to the deaths of Michael ‘Pete’ Ryan, Laurence McNally and Tony Doris in 1991 contact the Legacy Inquest Unit.

Anyone associated with Sinn Fein/Provisional IRA, will try to dismiss anything I say by stating that I was convicted of alleged sexual assault in 2000, however, that case based on new findings of fact and as allowed under the 1993 Criminal Justice Act is back before the Court of Criminal Appeal and should not be considered in such circumstances.

Doris had been described as the “OC of his unit” by the Sinn Fein Commemoration Committee, who said he “made the supreme sacrifice in the struggle for Irish freedom.”

I joined Sinn Fein/Provisional IRA in Monaghan Town in June 1980, I was 16-years-old. I was from 1980 closely associated with Laurence McNally and Jim Lynagh. I first met Michael ‘Pete’ Ryan in The Clara Inn, Park Street, Monaghan Town shortly after he and others had escaped from Crumlin Road Jail in 1981. It was due to my association with Pete Ryan that I was recruited to The Escape Committee in the PIRA A-Wing Crumlin Road Jail in 1984-85, under the Command of Joseph ‘Joe’ Haughey. I was on remand for allegedly endangering the lives of three RUC Officers, charges later struck-out.

Michael ‘Pete’ Ryan was by 1991, the PIRA OC of a ‘Flying Colum’ that operated out of Monaghan Town and under the Command of my cousin, Provisional IRA Chief of Staff, Kevin McKenna, Brendan McKenna, Adjutant, Edward ‘Ned’ Hamill OC, JB O’Hagan, Quarter Master and so forth.

In 1991, I was the Foreman, in Clonkeen Mushrooms, a subsidiary of Monaghan Mushrooms, on the Monaghan/Armagh border, close to the crossing at Middleton, County Armagh.

I had absolute control of the yard in which I worked at night, it was set high on a hill, with good visibility of the surrounding area, it was ideal for Provisional IRA meetings.

Laurence McNally lived in the new houses at Tyholland that was a few fields away from the yard over which I had control. Laurence and those in his company could walk to the yard without being seen across the fields. Indeed, at the time of Laurence’s funeral, three members of the Provisional IRA Aidan McGurk, Vincent McAnespie and Patrick Corrigan were arrested and charged with Provisional IRA membership when found in a ditch in one such field.

Prior to the deaths of Michael ‘Pete’ Ryan, Laurence McNally and Tony Doris they had been planning to Murder and Disappear Gerry Adams. This plan had been initiated by Jim Lynagh, Paddy Kelly and Padraig Kearney and others before Loughgall put stop to the plan. Michael ‘Pete’ Ryan and Laurence McNally in particular wanted to fulfil Lynagh’s desire to fully exploit a campaign of Ethnic Cleansing that had been sanctioned by Martin McGuinness in 1986. Lynagh, Ryan and so forth believed that Gerry Adams was winding down The PIRA and directing money towards his own political ambitions.

Plan to Murder Gerry Adams; Click HERE

I was on the inside of these conversations with all of the above, both in 1987 and 1991. Michael ‘Pete’ Ryan, used a motor bike as his transport in Monaghan and for scouting back and forward across the border. Pete had asked me to purchase a motor bike, so that I could engage in similar activity. My role with Pete Ryan’s unit was Intelligence, as it had been with Jim Lynagh’s unit.

A couple of days before Pete was shot dead, I had spoken to him about unusual activity that I had seen in Monaghan Town on my way home from the compost yard at approx. 4am, I was on a push bike. I told Pete that I had seen an unmarked white ambulance, and two unmarked cars, containing what I assumed were armed Garda Special Branch Officers, in Church Square, although I did not recognise anyone in the two cars, which I cycled close to. Pete told me not to worry about it.

Michael ‘Pete’ Ryan and Laurence McNally left for the operation in Coagh from Laurence McNally’s house at Tyholland, and it was Laurence McNally’s wife, Dympna, who drove them to team up with Tony Doris for the operation. The reason that Laurence’s wife, a civilian, was used, was due to the fact that very few were putting themselves forward for PIRA operations following Loughgall, there was a state of paranoia.

Tony Doris was much younger than Pete and Laurence, and had been recruited into the Provisional IRA by PIRA recruiting officer, Brendan Doris, who was Tony's Uncle. I knew Brendan Doris extremely well as there were not that many active within Sinn Fein/Provisional IRA in Monaghan/East Tyrone in the 1980/90s.

Laurence, Pete and Tony had been involved in a series of sectarian kills in and around Coagh, this was no secret. This included the three murders at Dallas Garage in Coagh in 1989. Following each kill, they would return to Monaghan and party as had Jim Lynagh and so forth, and their role in operations discussed openly and without fear of arrest, as there was no forensics to back up any claim against them. 

For example, the morning after Jim Lynagh, Seamus Shannon, Laurence McNally, Aidan McGurk, Owen Smyth and so forth had murdered 86-year-old Norman Strong and his son James at Tynan, some of the murderers were arrested from the basement of The Round House Bar by Gardai the following morning, they had drunk and partied in the basement.

At Laurence McNally’s funeral, Caoimhghín Ó Caoláin (Sinn Fein TD from 1997) said in his oration that Laurence was “A rogue”, to those of us who knew Laurence, we knew exactly what Caoimhghín Ó Caoláin meant.

Michael ‘Pete’ Ryan at the time of his death had left Dr Marian Smyth, Glen Road, Monaghan Town, pregnant, Mary Caffrey from Ballybay, pregnant and a 12-year-old girl pregnant. The 12-year-old did not know she was pregnant, gave birth, placed the baby in a hot-press to keep it warm, and it was found dead two days later.

Pete Ryan’s behavior in Monaghan Town was an embarrassment for older Sinn Fein/PIRA members such as JB O’Hagan, who was (one of the bizarre contradictions within SF/PIRA) a conservative Catholic. Pete Ryan would have his motor bike parked outside Dr Marian Smyth’s house/surgery each morning and Pete’s promiscuity was being widely discussed among the young mothers who had to pass Dr Smyth’s as they left their children to school, these were the votes we were trying desperately to attract. Pete Ryan, while applauded by many, was not short of enemies within Sinn Fein/Provisional IRA.

Pete Ryan abused his position within Sinn Fein/PIRA at many levels. In 1990, Pete Ryan had brought with him on a human bomb attack, Owen Smyth (who had turned Super-grass in 1981 when arrested by the RUC) simply because Pete was having sex with Smyth’s sister-in-law, Dr Marian Smyth. Smyth like Eamon Collins and others had been allowed to return to Sinn Fein/PIRA after he had retracted his statements, this was not unusual, they were selective about the ‘informers’ they murdered.

Following, the killings at Coagh, the remaining conspirators against Gerry Adams, began their whisper campaign again that Gerry Adams and the Belfast Leadership were responsible for setting-up Pete and the lads at Coagh.

It was as a direct response to these rumours that an innocent farmer Tom Oliver, was kidnapped, tortured and murdered, by those under the direct command of the Belfast Leadership, in order to place the blame for Informers back on the Border Brigades.

Note: They did not murder Michael McKevitt when they knew that he had taken Semtex, guns and ammunition from their dumps in 1998, because they had decided to use Michael and the Real IRA as Proxies.

I hope this information is helpful.


Vincent McKenna

FREE e-Books by Vincent McKenna

A History of The IRA

Autobiography: Provisional IRA Hunger-striker Sean McKenna

What is Law? Sex Crime in Ireland

Loughgall Ambush 1987

Retaining the People who Know Your Business

Blog Posts

Wednesday, August 17, 2022

Public Accounts Committee, National Childrens Hospital, Political Corruption


Political Corruption Ireland 

The National Children’s Hospital 

A Report to The Public Accounts Committee 2/8/2022 


Vincent McKenna BSSc PGDipSSc MSc

Motivation for this Report

On the day that David Trimble died, 25 July, 2022, Taoiseach Micheál Martin TD appeared on RTE and stated that he had spoken to Bertie Ahern about David Trimble’s death.

I found this casual reference by Taoiseach Micheál Martin TD to his on-going relationship with Bertie Ahern, as distasteful, due to the findings of The Mahon Tribunal and the fact that Bertie Ahern misled Dail Eireann in 2002 about his prior knowledge of the Real IRA Omagh Bombers in 1998.

Bertie Ahern with his best Pal, Fionn MacCumhaill, Iona Road, Dublin, who stands charged in 2024 with 20 counts of sexual assault.

This causal reference by Taoiseach Micheál Martin TD in relation to Bertie Ahern, caused me to pause and ask the question:

“Did, Taoiseach Micheál Martin TD, when Minister for Health in 2004, know about a Special Garda Operation, investigating Bertie Ahern and others for accepting Corrupt Payments in relation to the siting of The National Children’s Hospital at The Mater Hospital site?”. 


In 2005 I was released from prison having served a sentence for alleged sexual assault, that case DPP v Vincent McKenna is back before The Court of Criminal Appeal in 2022, based on new findings of fact, and as allowed under the 1993 Criminal Justice Act.

While I was in prison, I continued to work with An Garda Siochana (see, attached report into Review of Murder of Sophie Tuscan Du Plantier) on major crimes, including murder.

Upon my release from prison, I was immediately contacted by senior Gardai and asked to participate in a Special Operation, investigating Corrupt Payments being made to certain politicians including Bertie Ahern.

I was more than happy to get involved in this Special Operation as Bertie Ahern’s double-dealing was well known to me. In 1999, I had played a key role in preventing the murder of The Secretary of State for Northern Ireland, Peter Mandelson and his staff. I had been invited over to London in June 1999, to up date politicians on the on-going situation in Northern Ireland as I had many good contacts in many groups. I was personally thanked by Mrs Thatcher for my role in the Mandelson operation.

However, as some of my work was very high profile in 1999, MI6 believed that I could be used as an Influencer, for their view of peace, and they tried to recruit me in London in June 1999. This was not the first approach; they had also tried to recruit me in Cambridge in 1995. As part of the MI6 recruitment process, they told me how they would funnel money to me through a Manchester based businessman as they had done for Bertie Ahern TD. If anyone became aware of the money, the businessman would simply say that he was contributing to my peace work.

I refused to work for MI6, not simply because they had insulted me by offering me money, but also because certain MI6 Officers had a very dangerous relationship with certain terrorists and a very dangerous view of what a ‘peace process’ should look like. 

For example, the continued murder of Catholics post-GFA by Sinn Fein/PIRA was being viewed as "Internal House-keeping" and not a breach of the Sinn Fein/PIRA agreed cease-fire with MI6. This "Internal House-keeping" included the shooting of children raped by Sinn Fein/PIRA members to silence those victims.

Gardai were concerned that such Corrupt Payments to Bertie Ahern and others could result in a compromise of national security in Ahern’s dealings with various terrorist groups. This concern was real and only in 2021 (Michael McDowell) would we learn that Bertie Ahern and John O’Donoghue TD had directed the Garda Commissioner not to pursue Sinn Fein/PIRA members who were wanted for murder and other serious crimes.

Bertie Ahern and other politicians were accepting Corrupt Payments from Property Developers, in return for a Guarantee that The National Children’s Hospital would be built on the site of The Mater Hospital in Bertie Ahern’s constituency. I volunteered my services to investigate.

In 2005, Dublin City was awash with cash, people like Tom McFeely, a former Sinn Fein/PIRA Hunger-striker, had his pockets bulging with cash as he built such infamous developments as Priory Hall, which would later be deemed unsafe. After McFeely left his £15,000,000 Mansion on Ailesbury Road, Ballsbridge, Dublin, over £200,000 cash was found hidden under the bath.

Tom McFeely former PIRA Hunger-Striker

However, this report, is about one of Bertie Ahern’s, Bagmen, Fionn Mac Cumhaill (Castel Hotel Group, Gardiner Row, Dublin 1, D01 R640) and his associates.

Due to the volume of money being spent on The Mater Hospital site by Bertie Ahern’s Government, which would total £40,000,000 including, €24.5 million for the business services team, €3.2 million for project management and €6.1 million for the integrated design team.

Another €6.1 million in administration and other costs were incurred. This sum included €1.6 million in planning expenses, €878,000 in legal expenses, €200,000 spent on communications and €132,000 in board fees.

This £40,000,000 ‘Convincer’, as well as placing Property Developers on The Board of The Mater Hospital (including Fionn Mac Cumhaill), ensured that the Property Developers paid large cash sums to corrupt politicians. 

Bertie Ahern was no stranger to The Mater Hospital; he had some years earlier worked in the accounts Department of the Mater Hospital. The Board of The Mater Hospital would act as a lobby group for both Bertie Ahern and his developers to ensure the NCH was built on The Mater site.

Once the Property Developers were satisfied that Bertie Ahern could deliver on his promise of The National Children’s Hospital being built on The Mater Hospital site, the Property Developers bought up all land and property in the vicinity of The Mater Hospital.

This property and land grab by the Property Developers would ensure that the thousands of construction site workers, who would later be replaced by thousands of healthcare workers, would have accommodation, food and drink venues on their door-step, and provide a return of millions of Euros for the Property Developers.

Establishing the facts

I secured work with a key Property Developer, Fionn Mac Cumhaill, who was also one of Bertie Ahern’s key bagmen. I was hired as a Project Manager and a Health and Safety Officer for Castle Contracts. My employer, Fionn Mac Cumhaill, the owner of Castle Contracts, brought me to O’Neill’s pub on the corner of Dorset Street and Eccles Street.

O’Neills had been a favourite drinking place for members of Sinn Fein/Provisional IRA before it had been closed some years earlier. My Boss and other partners had bought O’Neill’s as part of their property portfolio related to the promised siting of The National Children’s Hospital on The Mater Hospital site, a few yards away.

I specifically asked my Boss, Fionn Mac Cumhaill, why he had bought O’Neills and it was at this point that he boosted about having inside information, as he was actually a close friend of Bertie Ahern and he (my Boss) had been appointed as a Director of the Board of The Mater Hospital to act as an influencer, which included providing bribes and incentives to some members of The Mater Hospital Board.

I began a complete refurbishment of O’Neill’s pub; I was working on my own for a good while because in 2005 labour was scarce due to the economic boom. My Boss built up a good relationship with me, as I worked hard and kept within a tight budget. Eventually I got some Polish lads to work with me and the project moved quickly.

As O’Neill’s had previously been a Sinn Fein/PIRA drinking establishment, we were not surprised when thousands of duty-free cigarettes would fall out of carefully constructed hides as we demolished walls and ceilings.

My Boss was a partner with others in the ownership of several properties and businesses, however, he was also a Property Developer, this meant that he was actually charging his partners for the supply of labour and materials. By the end of each project, his partners were heavily indebted and would be at his mercy, as he could call in outstanding debt.

The Corruption

On one occasion I was standing in the front room of one of my Boss’s Hotels, The Castle Hotel, he was shoving a large amount of cash into a standard envelope, however, he could not get enough cash in and so he asked the receptionist to bring him a big A4 envelope, into which he stuffed the cash. This was the first time I seen 500 Euro notes.

My Boss then asked me to drive him to his house in Drumcondra, the journey took us past Saint Luke’s, which was the name of the Fianna Fail Office in Drumcondra. My Boss told me to pull in to the left-hand side of the road across from Saint Luke’s, he got out of the car and walked over to Saint Luke’s, where he handed the envelope full of cash to Bertie Ahern.

On another occasion my Boss asked me to drive him from one of his hotels, The Castle Hotel, on the north side of Dublin to another one of his hotels, Staunton’s on the Green, on Stephen’s Green. On the way back from Stephens Green my Boss had the radio in my car turned on, and when the news came on, he turned the radio up.

The news reported that Mary Harney TD was considering moving the site for The National Children’s Hospital to a green field site. Upon hearing Mary Harney’s intentions, my Boss took his mobile phone from his pocket and initially tried to phone Bertie Ahern, when he could not reach Bertie Ahern, he phoned and got through to Martin Cullen, who was a Minister.

My Boss was very clear with Martin Cullen that there would be repercussions, if The National Children’s Hospital was moved from the promised Mater Hospital site, after the massive investment my Boss and his partners had made.

Before the phone call between my Boss and Martin Cullen had finished Martin Cullen assured my Boss that Harney would not get her way. My Boss then reminded Minister Cullen that he must enjoy a holiday at my Boss’s Hotel and golf resort in Scotland. I have no evidence against Martin Cullen for corruption, I am simply stating that he was on speed-dial for my Boss.

The corruption also included some Directors of The Mater Hospital Board enjoying free Holidays at my Boss’s hotels and having free maintenance carried out at their own private homes by myself and other employees of Castle Contracts.

When the Special Operation had established that Bertie Ahern was accepting Corrupt Payments in relation to the Mater Hospital site, I was then moved to Stephen’s Green in 2006 and continued to work within another Special Operation that was focused on The Department of Foreign Affairs. My job has always been to establish facts, how Gardai deal with those facts is not my concern. Dermot Ahern, Minister for Foreign Affairs, had for example, lobbied The Minister for Justice, Michael McDowell SC, for special provisions for Real IRA Leader, Michael McKevitt.

This picture is the garden at Staunton’s on The Green which I land-scaped, when it was left as a building site, after I had project managed a fourteen-bedroom extension to Staunton’s. The wall to the left of the picture divides the garden from The Department of Foreign Affairs, to which I had easy access.

In 2006, I was in the company of a senior Garda Officer and having tea in Staunton’s on the Green, Mr Jim Staunton had served the tea. I was meeting with the senior Garda, not specifically about the Special Operation, which was on-going, but the fact that I had noted two Real IRA members, scouting a position in the property next door to The Department of Foreign Affairs for a possible sniper attack.

When my role in the Special Operations surrounding Bertie Ahern and others had concluded in 2006, my Boss, Fionn MacCumhaill indicated to me that he knew I was speaking to An Garda Siochana and therefore he could no longer employ me.

I spoke with my Garda contacts and told them that I wanted to bring Fionn Mac Cumhaill before The Employment Appeals Tribunal and try to establish who had leaked my contact with An Garda Siochana. 

I won my case for unfair dismissal and received a substantial sum in compensation, the leak most likely came from a Garda Officer, whom upon his retirement became a driver for Fionn Mac Cumhaill.


There is absolutely no question that the political corruption set out above led to many Millions of Euros being spent on a site that was never going to accommodate The National Children’s Hospital.

The estimated £40,000,000 spend has at this point been written off, however, the real cost of this political corruption has yet to be fully realised, why this corruption was never brought before the Public Accounts Committee or never made its way into the public domain is probably best understood now following The Mahon Tribunal, Bertie Ahern’s lies to Dail Eireann about the Omagh Bomb and Ahern’s De Facto Amnesty for Sinn Fein/Provisional IRA murderers.

The years of unnecessary delays have now driven up costs to astronomical levels. A project that was estimated to cost approximately £650,000,000 is now estimated to cost at least £3 Billion at completion.

Had the political corruption not delayed The National Children’s Hospital, it can be said that the hospital could have been built at a much-reduced cost to the Tax Payer and Children could have been prioritised over corruption and self-serving by the few.

Bertie Ahern and John O’Donoghue represented grievous excesses, greed and self-serving. The legacy of Bertie Ahern and O’Donogue is not as ‘peace-makers’ for Northern Ireland, for they simply used Northern Ireland as a distraction, a slight of hand for their corruption.

Their true legacy is vulnerable children denied basic fundamental human rights, while O’Donoghue used Tax Payers money to go to the races and enjoy Gondola rides in Venice.  

The Mahon Tribunal

On 2 April, 2008, then-Taoiseach Bertie Ahern resigned due to continuing controversy over allegations relating to corrupt payments.

In all, The Mahon Tribunal said that he did not truthfully account for payments of £165,000 made to accounts connected to him.

This included the Manchester dinner with Irish businessmen, where The Mahon Tribunal rejected the assertion that two-thirds of the £24,838 figure mentioned was in punts. The Mahon Tribunal said it was solely a Sterling payment of £25,000, and suggesting that Ahern had not been truthful in his evidence.

Note: The Taoiseach did describe receiving a sum of money from a number of rich businessmen after speaking at a Manchester hotel, and also winning money through gambling on horses.

The Tribunal of Inquiry into Certain Planning Matters and Payments, commonly known as the Mahon Tribunal after the name of its last chairman, was a public inquiry in Ireland established by Dáil Éireann in 1997 to investigate allegations of corrupt payments to politicians regarding political decisions.

It mostly investigated planning permissions and land rezoning issues in the 1990s in the Dublin County Council area. Judge Alan Mahon was the final chair of the tribunal and its other members were Judge Mary Faherty and Judge Gerald Keys. The original Chairman, who was the sole member until just before his retirement, was Judge Feargus Flood, giving rise to the original common name of the Flood Tribunal.

The Mahon Tribunal used investigations to collect evidence and public hearings with witnesses, it investigated allegations made in the media prior to its establishment and allegations subsequently made to the tribunal itself. The tribunal ran from November 1997 to March 2012 and was the longest running and most expensive public inquiry held in the Republic of Ireland, with costs forecast to reach between €250 million and €300 million.

Public hearings concluded in September 2008, and following several delays due to legal challenges, the tribunal began preparing its final report. It published four interim reports, and the final report was published on 22 March, 2012.

Berty Ahern Only Wanted to Talk about Good Friday Agreement

Over six-years after it delivered its report on Bertie Ahern, the Mahon Tribunal is being talked about again since the former Taoiseach, Bertie Ahern, walked out of a German TV interview after being questioned over it.

Appearing uncomfortable at the line of questioning following earlier discussions about the Good Friday Agreement, Ahern said he was quite happy that he has cleared his name and that he was very happy with his evidence to the Tribunal.

When pressed, he maintained: “I’ve dealt with that issue and I am not saying any more about that issue.”

Shortly afterwards, he cut the interview short, saying he was there to talk about the Good Friday Agreement and had done so.

See, Video

FREE e-Books by Vincent McKenna

A History of The IRA

Autobiography: Provisional IRA Hunger-striker Sean McKenna

What is Law? Sex Crime in Ireland

Loughgall Ambush 1987

Retaining the People who Know Your Business

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